Go Routines


Go is an open source programming language developed by Google. It is known for its simplicity, efficiency, and concurrency. One of the most powerful features of Go is Goroutines. Goroutines are a lightweight way of creating concurrent programs in Go. In this blog post, we will discuss the basics of Goroutines and how they can be used to make concurrent programming easier.

What are Goroutines?

Goroutines are functions or methods that run concurrently with other functions or methods. They are created using the "go" keyword followed by the function or method name. When a Goroutine is created, it runs in its own thread of execution. Goroutines are very lightweight, and it is possible to create thousands of Goroutines without significantly impacting system performance.

Benefits of Using Goroutines

One of the biggest benefits of using Goroutines is that they make concurrent programming easier. With Goroutines, you can write code that executes multiple tasks at the same time without having to deal with threading and locking. Goroutines also make it easy to write code that is scalable. For example, if you have a web application that needs to handle multiple requests at the same time, you can use Goroutines to handle each request in its own thread of execution.

Another benefit of using Goroutines is that they make it easy to write code that is fault-tolerant. If one Goroutine fails, it does not affect the other Goroutines running in the application. This means that your application can continue to run even if one part of it fails.

How to Use Goroutines

To use Goroutines, you simply need to create a function or method and prefix it with the "go" keyword. Here is an example:

func main() {
    go myFunction()

func myFunction() {
    // Code to be executed concurrently

In this example, we are creating a Goroutine called "myFunction" and running it concurrently with the main function.

It is important to note that Goroutines are not guaranteed to execute in any particular order. If you need to synchronize Goroutines, you can use channels to communicate between them.

Here is an example of using a channel to synchronize Goroutines:

func main() {
    c := make(chan int)

    go func() {
        // Do some work
        c <- 1

    go func() {
        // Do some more work
        c <- 2

    // Wait for both Goroutines to finish

In this example, we are creating a channel called "c" and using it to synchronize two Goroutines. The first Goroutine does some work and sends a value of 1 on the channel. The second Goroutine does some more work and sends a value of 2 on the channel. The main function then waits for both Goroutines to finish by receiving values from the channel.


In conclusion, Goroutines are a powerful feature of Go that make concurrent programming easier. With Goroutines, you can write code that executes multiple tasks at the same time without having to deal with threading and locking. Goroutines are lightweight, scalable, and fault-tolerant, making them ideal for writing concurrent programs. If you are new to Go, we highly recommend learning more about Goroutines and how they can be used to make your code more efficient and scalable.